Cloth Analysis Report
Learn about our Information, Warnings and Errors
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Learn about our Information, Warnings and Errors
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The Cloth Analysis Report in Durty Cloth Tool (DCT) is an essential feature designed to help developers analyze their clothing resources for potential issues, optimizations, and overall quality. The tool automatically generates error, warning, and informational messages to assist users in maintaining high standards of quality and compatibility for their clothing assets.
This documentation will cover:
Cloth Analysis Report overview and purpose
The Error List window and how it works
Explanation of the different types of messages: Errors, Warnings, and Information
How these messages are integrated into the tool’s drawables list
The Cloth Analysis Report ensures that all clothing resources are thoroughly reviewed and optimized before being finalized and used in the game. This analysis helps identify:
Potential Issues: Such as missing or conflicting data in the drawable models or textures.
Performance Optimizations: Opportunities to reduce texture sizes or fix polygon counts.
Warnings: Areas where improvements are suggested, even if they aren’t critical issues.
This reporting system allows modders, developers and content creators to ensure their clothing resources are not only functional but also optimized for the best possible performance, especially in multiplayer environments where efficiency is key.
The Error List Window is where users can view and manage all the reported issues and suggestions from the Cloth Analysis. It offers a centralized view of all Errors, Warnings, and Information messages across the current project.
Type: Each message is categorized by its severity with clear icons to distinguish between Errors, Warnings, and Informational messages.
Filtering: Users can filter the messages based on type, such as viewing only Errors or only Warnings by clicking on the related type icon in the top section.
Sorting: Easily sort messages by their severity (Level), Code, Description and more
Search: Quickly search thru all messages to find issues of a specific item by using the upper right search input.
Grouping: Messages can be grouped by dragging any column to the top in order to for example see all issues of a specific item grouped together.
Details: Each row holds all related details about the issue, often with specific references to the problematic cloth drawable or texture.
Jump to Location: By double clicking you can simply jump to the related item to take further actions.
❗ Errors: These are critical issues that prevent a drawable or resource from functioning properly. Errors often result from missing files, broken links between models and textures, or invalid file formats. Errors must be resolved before the cloth resource can be build and used correctly in the game.
⚠️ Warnings: Warnings are less severe than errors but indicate potential problems that could lead to suboptimal performance or unintended behavior. For example, a drawable may have an excessively high polygon count, or a texture may not be optimized. While the resource may still function, addressing warnings can improve the quality and performance of your cloth resource.
💡 Information: These are general messages that provide useful insights about your resources but don’t require immediate action. For example, a message might inform you that a drawable has an unused material that could be cleaned up. Information helps keep your project organized and clean but does not impact functionality.
In addition to the Error List Window, DCT provides real-time feedback directly within the Drawables List itself. This means that when a drawable (such as a piece of clothing) has an issue, it will be flagged in the drawables list with a corresponding icon to indicate whether it has errors, warnings, or informational messages.
Each item in DCT is monitored for various issues and possible improvements, here are just some examples:
Missing Data: If a drawable is missing essential elements like textures or models, it will trigger an error.
High Polygon Counts: If a model’s polygon count exceeds the optimal range, it may trigger a warning about performance issues.
Texture Issues: If a texture is too large or in an incompatible format, this will be flagged as a warning or error.
LOD Mismatch: If there is an inconsistency in the levels of detail (LOD) between the different levels of the model, it could generate a warning.
Naming Conflicts: Duplicate names for drawables of the same type or category can result in conflicts. The tool will warn you when multiple items share the same name or identifier.
By providing real-time feedback in the Drawables List, users can immediately identify where an issue exists and begin fixing it without needing to manually review each drawable. The icons next to each item will indicate its status, allowing users to prioritize their work.
Did you know? You can fine tune and adjust each threshold in the Project Settings window. See App & Project Settings for more details.
When using the Error List Window and Drawables List, it’s recommended to follow a simple workflow for addressing issues:
Review Errors First: Always resolve critical errors first, as they will prevent the project from functioning properly. In many cases these can be issues like clothes that miss textures and similar, in such cases read the error carefully and follow given steps to resolve it.
Address Warnings: Warnings should be resolved next, as they may affect performance or cause issues down the line, particularly in multiplayer environments. In many cases using our inbuilt Optimization Feature might help but not be taken as the ultimate solution for everything. See Optimizing Clothes for more details.
(optional) Handle Information Last: Informational messages should be addressed at your discretion, particularly if you’re aiming for maximum optimization and cleanliness in your project. In most cases they require extensive cloth modding knowledge.
By working in this structured manner, you can ensure that your project is not only functional but also optimized and clean.
In addition to detecting potential issues and optimizations, Durty Cloth Tool also has an advanced system for identifying and managing duplicate clothing items to maintain a clean and efficient project.
When adding new clothing to a project, the tool automatically checks for duplicates by comparing:
File content data
Assigned gender
Drawable type
If a duplicate is detected, a prompt will appear, giving the option to either proceed with adding the duplicate or skip it. Users can also select a session-specific setting to Always Import or Always Skip duplicates during the active session. This choice is reset upon restarting the tool, ensuring full control and flexibility each time the tool is used.
All duplicate handling actions are logged, providing a transparent view of how decisions on duplicates are made and allowing users to review these actions at any time.
DCT also offers a Duplicate Analysis action under Project > Actions. This feature allows users to perform a comprehensive scan of the current project to identify any existing duplicates. When duplicates are found, users can choose to remove them efficiently, streamlining the project’s clothing assets for optimal organization and performance.
With these features, DCT ensures users can maintain clean, organized clothing resources and avoid unnecessary redundancies, supporting high standards of quality and project management.
The Cloth Analysis Report is a powerful tool in the Durty Cloth Tool, offering detailed feedback on the quality and functionality of clothing resources. By leveraging the Error List Window, real-time feedback in the Drawables List, and a structured approach to resolving issues, developers can ensure their clothing mods are not only functional but also optimized for performance and compatibility.
Understanding and addressing the different levels of Errors, Warnings, and Information will lead to higher-quality results, whether you're working on Singleplayer DLC or multiplayer cloth resources for platforms like FiveM, alt:V, or RageMP.