Drawable Types & Textures

Learn about cloth drawable types and cloth textures in general

Cloth Drawable Types

The game engine categorizes clothing and accessories into components (core character body parts) and props (additional accessories like glasses or hats). Each component or prop has a drawable type ID that defines the type of item it is (e.g., shirt, hat, or mask). Additionally, each component type has an associated PV_COMP identifier, and each prop type has an ANCHOR identifier used internally by the game engine.


Components are core body parts such as heads, torsos, or legs, and their associated PV_COMP identifiers are as follows:

  • head: Component ID 0, PV_COMP_HEAD (Ped Head / Face)

  • berd: Component ID 1, PV_COMP_BERD (Big Masks)

  • hair: Component ID 2, PV_COMP_HAIR (Hairstyles)

  • uppr: Component ID 3, PV_COMP_UPPR (Torso & Gloves)

  • lowr: Component ID 4, PV_COMP_LOWR (Pants/Trousers)

  • hand: Component ID 5, PV_COMP_HAND (Backpacks)

  • feet: Component ID 6, PV_COMP_FEET (Shoes)

  • teef: Component ID 7, PV_COMP_TEEF (Parachute, Scuba tank etc.)

  • accs: Component ID 8, PV_COMP_ACCS (Shirts to wear with top/jbib)

  • task: Component ID 9, PV_COMP_TASK (Vests)

  • decl: Component ID 10, PV_COMP_DECL (Shirt printings, Emblems etc)

  • jbib: Component ID 11, PV_COMP_JBIB (Auxiliary parts for torso)


Props are attachments like hats, glasses, or other accessories. The corresponding ANCHOR identifiers define how these props are connected to the character.

  • head: Prop ID 0, ANCHOR_HEAD (Hats, Helmets, Masks, Ear phones etc)

  • eyes: Prop ID 1, ANCHOR_EYES (Eye accessories like glasses)

  • ears: Prop ID 2, ANCHOR_EARS (Ear accessories like earrings)

  • mouth: Prop ID 3, ANCHOR_MOUTH (Unused in the game)

  • lhand: Prop ID 4, ANCHOR_LEFT_HAND (Unused in the game)

  • rhand: Prop ID 5, ANCHOR_RIGHT_HAND (Unused in the game)

  • lwrist: Prop ID 6, ANCHOR_LEFT_WRIST (Watches, Chains etc)

  • rwrist: Prop ID 7, ANCHOR_RIGHT_WRIST (Chains)

  • hip: Prop ID 8, ANCHOR_HIP (Unused in the game)

  • lfoot: Prop ID 9, ANCHOR_LEFT_FOOT (Unused in the game)

  • rfoot: Prop ID 10, ANCHOR_RIGHT_FOOT (Unused in the game)

  • unk1: Prop ID 11, ANCHOR_PH_L_HAND (Unused placeholder)

  • unk2: Prop ID 12, ANCHOR_PH_R_HAND (Unused placeholder)

Props are primarily used for head-related items like helmets and glasses, as well as wrist accessories. Other props, especially those like mouth, hip, lfoot, and rfoot, are unused in the game but exist in the system for completeness.

Texture Variations

Each drawable can have up to 26 texture variations, represented by letters from a to z. These variations allow for multiple looks for a single item of clothing. For example, a shirt could have different color options or patterns, each represented by a different texture variation.

  • Texture variations are named in the order of a through z, meaning up to 26 distinct textures for a single drawable item.

Last updated

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